Sold WTS Level 60 Ranger & Level 60 Monk account - $115

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by UberAlec, 12/21/24 at 1:35 AM.

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  1. UberAlec

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    Hello all,

    I have a 2nd account I'm no longer playing and looking to offload it.

    Level 60 Iksar (Male) Monk - No notable gear or AAs. Most skills should be right at maxed as it was hand played to 60. Character was never in a guild and should be unknown. Does have a 75% speed mount.

    Level 60 Wood Elf (Male) Ranger - Has at least 30+ AAs (18 spent and some banked) with EQ & AM3 (admittedly haven't subbed the account in a few months, so I don't remember exactly). Nothing too...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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