Selling WTS Level 60 Dungeon Guardian. [2 Separate acc]...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/27/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Level 60 Dungeon Guardian. [2 Separate acc] Hi, i'm looking to sell my level 60 acc. mainly because i have just got my self a new acc with a stronger warrior & ranger. Will be selling these acc's by Paypal payment ofc. Contact Info - : jay.howard.2010 or you can PM me on here, i will be logging on every day to check my thread - Level 60 Guardian Warrior. - full set of violent & strong defender's rune armour. - Upgraded rune armour, Stable Strong helmet & Stable strong boots - both epic. - Demon skin Legguard, dropped by last boss in relic dungeon. - 2 Kermode's tear from boss 2 in relic. - Wallow Evil Cloak from boss 1 in relic. - Withered ring of guardian, Withered ring of barbarity & withered ring of offense all from last boss. - Fername's blade of offense & Wall of honour shield also with Wind cutter crossbow. - In the storage i have: Blood Monk cloak of the earth, 2 Berserk Rings, Lava King's Trident & Epic Reinforced Matted Gold Rapier. Oh, also Upgraded Crazy Violent Killer boots rune armour, Master Craftsman. If your interested in this acc, PM me on here, then we can talk over or etc. WTS Order and chaos account 2 lvl 60's!!! I have 1 account for sale. It has 2 lvl 60's (divine monk and tank) *and 2 lvl 30's *(archer and mage). Both of the lvl 60's have full rune armor sets and a good amount of dungeon gear. The tank has the second highest blacksmithing skill, the monk has no cloth making skill, the archer has hardly any leather making skill, and the mage has no cloth making skill. The account has 8 runes and 500g's on it. I'm looking for about $70 over paypal so if you're interested, email me at androxonater@aol for more information. Thanks WTS Reduced Price Gold, 10000 Gold for $150 will transfer to any server. - IOS Selling 10000 Gold for $150. Cheapest Gold anywhere. I have over 100000 Gold to sell. Verified Paypal, Secure and private transfer to any server. Message me if interested! WTS Order & Chaos Online account (LVL 60 Warrior, LVL 60...
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