Selling WTS: League of Legends ELO Boosting now available...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/17/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: League of Legends ELO Boosting now available from ArenaRating Whats up EpicMMO members, Here to let everyone know that we have finally redesigned our website and we were able to add our League of Legends services right on there. Check out this link: arenarating There you can purchase and check all of our prices. All of our ELO Boosting is done in the United States. We have a group of highly skilled League players who can finally get you out of "ELO Hell' as people like to call it. If you have any questions, please do contact us through any one of our contact methods! Thank you! - ArenaRating [SOLD] Lvl 30, 25 champs & 10 skins very cheap eu-west !!! Hi everyone, i'm new here! due lack of time am I going to sell my account, If u are interested u can leave me a message here or me: Oniejj. Account information Name: *privacy* Wins: 23 Dominion: 117 wins ELO: IS 1000 AT THE MOMENT, WILL BE RESET AT OCTOBER! (WILL BE A SMURF!, GREAT NEW ACC) Champions Owned: Ahri, Alistar, Unchained Alistar Anivia, Bird of Prey Anivia Skin Annie, Ashe, Caitlyn, Sheriff Caitlyn, Artic Warfare Caitlyn, Officer Caitlyn Skins Jax, Katarina, Mercenary Katarina skin Kayle, Judgement Kayle skin Master Yi, Morgana, Nunu, Poppy, Rammus, Ryze, Sivir, Soraka, Dryad Soraka skin, Tristana, Riot Tristana, Tryndamere, Vayne, Aristocat Vayne skin, Runes: Marks +1,7 Armour pen 7x TIER 3 +0,95 Magic Pen 9x TIER 3 +0,95 Physical Dmg 9x TIER 3 Seals +0,41 Magic Resist 1x TIER 3 +0,76% Attack Speed 9x TIER 3 +2,0 Health Regen / 5 at lvl 18 9x TIER 3 +0,41 mana regen / 5 9x TIER 3 +0,43 health regen / 5 1x TIER 3 Glyphs +0,64% Attack Speed 9x TIER 3 +0,31 Mana Regen / 5 7x TIER 3 +1,3 Magic Resist 9x TIER 3 Quintessences +3,3 Armor Pen 3x TIER 3 +2,3 Physical Dmg 3x TIER 3 +2,0% Exp Bonus 1x TIER 3 +2,2 Magic Pen 3x TIER 3 1002 Riot Points 972 Influence Points 5 Rune pages (AD Carry, AP Pen, AP Mana, Tank pages complete) So if you are interested add my : oniejj, or mail me:...
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