Selling   High End WTS large endgame account over 30 unique ssr, several skill ups,many top tier

Discussion in 'Knights Chronicle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PeaceIsGood, 9/14/18.

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  1. PeaceIsGood

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    This account is linked to a gmail, Facebook. is unlinked

    Story is fully done, but theres a total of 3 stars missing, so the last reward is still avaiable
    In a great guild that always fully clears the dungeon and does well in guild wars

    All runes have great substats, i sell any rune with bad or imperfect stats, rue and claude each have 1 rune with double evasion,and theres many other great runes

    Theres a few more skill ups on other units, but i forgot to take pics, nemesis has skill2 up by 1,damian skill2 up by 3, serdick skill3 by 1,not counting the extra copy in pics, deimos has skill3 up by 3,and a few others i rarely use

    Bought the monthly gems pack 3 times, and the 1 level up rewards packs, wont ever spend another cent in this game.

    Account also has delinquent mina costum

    will keep logging in the account every day possible, but i wont play that much, I could get further in the arena, but im just worn down at this point, quitting the game, mostly because of the custom nonsense
    All info on the account can be found in this link

    LF: paypal offers, or a NA fate go account
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