Weapon: - lvl10 Lab Gauntlets (GEMS: Amethyst 200bloodsuck, Beryl CC immunity 3s +150critical for 30s, Topaz 140 additional damage vs stunned, Ruby Stun 2.5s and 140 additonal damage) Bopae: - 1. GoW Health 1210, Critical 44, Defence 59 - 2. GoW Critical 221, Accuracy 61 - 3. GoW Health 1900, Critical 44, Block 81 - 4. Lab Defence 176, Block 175 - 5. GoW Health 1820, Critical 158 - 6. GoW Defence 189, Critical 76 - 7. GoW Health 2310, Critical 44, Defence 99 - 8. Lab Critical 212, Accuracy 130, Defence 96Jewelery: - Bone Necklace of Naruy lvl 10 (210 Pierce, 420 Critical, 7 Attack) - Earring of the sorcerer lvl 6 (Pierce 174, Critical 348, Attack 6) - Strange ring Ying Gvansama lvl 10 (Critical Damage 16.9%, Critical 65, Attack 10) - Bracelet of the sorcerer lvl 5 (Attack 9, Critical 247, Additional Damage 5) - Belt of the pirate lvl 5 (Healing 291, Defence 524) Other Stuff:- This character includes many mixed Bopaes, Gems, Jewelery and A lot of Crystals for Enchanting your weapons. Crafting: - Miners lvl 3 - Stone cutting lvl 3 - Blacksmith lvl 3 - Jeweler lvl3 Stats: - 407 attack - 95% accuracy- Pierce 12.39% - 47.23% crit chance (2246) - 164.75% crit damage - 20,320 hp Legendary skills already unlocked 210gold in stock Red Faction rank 4Inventory - Fully unlockedCloset - Fully unlocked Item Bank - 3/5 unlocked VIP lvl3 - Already expired Any1 who's interested PM on forum or add me on skype "dimdomdum1" I can provide all needed screenshots Last edited by Miki19; 01-25-2015 at 11:12 AM