Sold WTS IS-A geared gladiator or trade for Antri-A toon

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gueswhat, 5/5/17.

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  1. Gueswhat

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    LVL 73 21% in

    R1 eternal 15+ fully socketed att6/crit9
    Reian fighter accs 4+
    Army 2* wings 15+
    bracelet 4+
    pure plume ATT/Crit 5+
    Mythic AC pve set 10+
    MS bm mythic leather set 15+
    Acc mythic bm plate set 15+
    DD pve set 15+
    several polearms incl 2 75lreduc provenance extendables 15+ socketed
    PVE accesiores
    +/- 32 omega stones
    3 tempering solutions
    full stigma set
    2 pieces of AP 75 gear
    15+ beritra wings

    1352 BM medals
    63 spinel medals
    1462 BM
    2222 AC

    lots of other items on the WH such as crafting materials, manastones, potions etc.
    - godstones
    - 13 Lreduc stones
    - 25 skill reasignment scrolls

    195 glory tickets

    172932 GP
    6.367560 AP

    im still paying for my Mansion fee every month!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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