[WTS] HK Raiding Rogue (almost rank 6 pvp) & 50 Warrior NA server

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    I'm looking to sell my Digital CE Rift Account on a NA server. On the account you will find 50 Rogue, 50 Warrior, 36 Cleric Guardian Side. The account Currenlty has 6month veteran rewards and I have been the owner since Head Start. The Rogue is currently 4/11 in HK and can Tank or DPS in HK. DPS Gear: 5 Pieces of Rt1 vendor gear + 2 crystals (marksman & bladedancer) Rt1 rings, neck, belt, & weapons Legendary Greenscale Bow 2 Sigils fully epic'd out (one with Ranger Essence, one without) Tank Gear: All Rt1 drops with one HK drop Epic'd out Sigil Crafted Weapons for Max HP & Rt1 drops for maximum +hit PVP Gear: Full r4/r5 gear + PVP Sigil (1000+ Valor) Less than 2 bubbles from Rank 6 Fluff/Extras 150+PP Amazing Crafting (The account has 300 miner, butcher, Outfitter, & Runecrafter) Great for making plat Tons of Planarite Great Wardrobe gear including Scarn Hide Helm, Mathosian Tabbard, etc Several Mounts including the Spawn of Murdantix & the River of Souls Horse (Conqueror Achievement) Tons of Titles including "the Stalker" rare community title The Warrior I stopped playing during t1 so the gear is nothing to brag about. He could be raid ready pretty quick with a little work though. PM me and let's discuss a price. I will let this account go for a very reasonable price and hope to see it go to a good home. Paypal and Western Union are the only payment method I will accept and I will provide the account info & the email account associated with the account. Pics can be provided to interested parties.
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