Selling WTS High End Savage on Uthgard Midgard Realm

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RedSonya, 3/8/17.

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  1. RedSonya

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    Looking to sell a level 50 Savage with a fully maxed out template(every single stat/resist/skill is maxed). Also have full masterpiece armor with every piece ablatived. Approximate value of all gear on character is around 23,000g. Currently RR3L4 with Det 5. Will also come with 2 plat so you don't have to worry about farming unless you want to. If you're looking for a character that will allow you to completely skip the leveling and gearing process and enjoy playing melee then this is for you and I assure you will not disappoint.

    Asking Price : 600$

    PM Here or contact on Skype @ Facebook.:awaitingthereturn
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