Hello, I am selling my account with the main character Miri High end. It is only sold to Connoisseurs the account has very, very expensive Outfits, you can check their prices in the game Marketplace adding that the character has: Weapon Adri +15 full maxed with all shards full of ALR except Perfect which is at 70% full rest all others are maxed with Last Scrolls for that weapon. Full Milletian Armor With 3 parts at +15, 1 part +14, 1 part +16 the part +14 is compensated with the part +16 all are maxed with the ALR Full With Scrolls of some cost and last for the armor. It has all its accessories with scrolls and infusions and its 2 golden bracelets. The outfits that he owns are several between 14 and 15 bought outfits and many of them are very expensive. You can check the prices in Market if it is listed because most of them are not on the list, their price is appraised between 800m to 1b of cost. among them are Epona outfit 800m+ All Curves Secret agent 1b+ All Curves Death Lady 1b+ Dark Queen Aura 1b+ And many others more than its cost are between 350 to 600m Including pay wings as well and their cost is between 800m to 1b Currently in the Game. More Info on my Discord XxFremyxX#9684