WTS - GWF ACCOUNT include 4 other clases 1- 3.3K Great Weapon Fighter (Main) 2- 2.8K Oathbound Paladin 3- Control Wizard (for artifact only) 4- Devoted Cleric (for artifact only) 5- Guardian Fighter (for artifact only) The main thing here is The great weapon fighter which i spend a lots of money to buy ZEN. I already have all the boons except the last 2 Boons at Tyranny Campaign. Includes Burning PVP set + 1 Lionsmare PVP . Coz i did not do PVP much. More to PVE. I really want to change to your email if you want to buy this account because i need to use the current email. if you are interested, do contact me at :FACEBOOK Azim Ramzan | Facebook We can talk a lot more if you need anything else. Here are some of the image if you want to take a look first then hit me if you are interested.
wanna trade for 3k tr + 5 alts? also i have dragonborn pack sw bosster pack and others reply me on skype kozma.tihi if u want