Sold WTS Granblue Codes

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/AgheFX, 9/5/21.

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  1. /u/AgheFX

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    Selling GBVS Purchase Promo Set, including :

    1. Purchase promo code. Pick 1 item : goldbrick/sephira evolite/sunstone/10 damas crystals
    2. RPG Mode normal completion : 5000 Crystals
    3. RPG Mode Hard Completion : vyrnsuit or 3000 crystals
    4. RPG Mode chapter 45 completion : 1000 Crystals
    5. RPG Mode chapter 50 completion : 1000 Crystals

    PRICE : $88

    IF you are looking for purchase promo code only : $50

    Other codes :

    • Vyrnsuit Skin : $20
    • RPG 50 completion (1000 crystals) = $6
    • DLC code = 10$ each (pick:naru/zooey/djeeta/soriz/belial/anre/naru/cag/eustace/Seox)
    • RPG MODE Normal Completion set : 30$ (7000 Crystals)

    Animation BD/DVD Codes (Only Available Thru Paypal F&F or Cryptocurrency, the later is the priority) :

    • Summer MC Skin : $65
    • Muscle & daydream MC skin : $70
    • Shi ni itaru koi code (nier stamps) : $25

    Accept Custom Order for BD/DVD/Music CD Codes, Except for some rare items such as separate RoB Code.

    Payment : paypal F&F | Transferwise | ||wkwkland: gopay|Cryptocurrency

    Please PM me directly on discord if you interested. I use the reddit only to advertise these items.

    DISCORD : Arupan#6453

    Testimonies, feedback, and other items :

    Thank You

    # #/AgheFX
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