[WTS] google play store $90 gift card

Discussion in 'OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Accounts' started by bdog21, 10/29/16.

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  1. bdog21

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    I have $90 google playstore giftcard I dont need. I got it from doing refunding services. I want to trade $90 in bitcoin with someone. I would accept other payment methods but with the gift card amount. it would be too risky. So, here is my terms of service.....

    - You will be going first paying with bitcoin.

    - You will be screensharing on skype with me. So I can watch you redeem the code. (so you dont lie and say that i used the code or some love you).

    ^ keep in mind, until you are able to screen share on skype with me. I will not give you the code. (this is just so there is no scamming)

    - You will also be verifying your playerup profile with me. (p.s. no banned members)

    Here is proof.....

    Hoping someone can help me out here. Thanks!

    Here is my contact info: skype: justin.maodx
    #1 bdog21, 10/29/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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