Hello All I want to sell my "The Secret World" Account, Yes I had one open already (I didn't know how to edit). I've logged into my account to look at what I actually have, Below is a list of what I have. PAX (In Game Money) - 22,443,710 (Total Threw out the account) 3 Toons (1 Pistol, 1 Blood, 1 Hammer) all have very good +9 weapons and good gear, talisman FOR THERE LEVELS! Pistol has Lv.4 Pistol Lv.4 on all talisman with 45 AP points, and 6 SP points. Blood has Lv.6 Blood Magic, Lv.5 on all talisman with 40 AP points, and 4 SP Points. Hammer has Lv.6 Hammer, Lv.4-5 on all talisman with 43 AP points, and 3 SP Points. I have alot of in game content far as armor, weapon skins, all account bound (Meaning I bough it so all of my toons can receive the armor skins, weapon skins.) I got the Steam collectible edition (You get special in game content for having it, like exp boosts, a pet cat, and much more!) Asking $200.00 obo (Put way more then $200.00 into it with the AP boost points, and armor you can get, along with the PAX!). PM My skype for details! Skype name is iLove2Tag Sorry for not putting alot of detail in my old post on the forum, It will never happen again! .; BUMP still avaiable if anyone interested - - - Updated - - - bump bump BUMP still got the account! cheap price pm iLove2Tag on skype BUMp bump bump Bump $130 right - Saturday night! Add my Skype iLove2Tag Still no offers and still available. Bump still selling at $130.00 bump bump bump bump