Post edited for security reasons. WTB good crit char 99+ server Gracia title says it all paying by paypall just write whats on the char...if full HH nice but atleast full cf and if thiers wc great xD i just need a good char that can tank and have nice crits ALRIGHT SINCE NO ONE SELLS IM BUYING CRIT CHAR FROM BRUMHEART Wts Glor Blode and Intel Luke Server Brumhart ( 1 2) Wts Glor Blode and Intel luke 2/2 server brumhart im interested on paysafe or uniques on amerika offer me - sc101127154003.jpg - intluke.jpg [GRACIA] WTS ARMOR HH Lv90 sell : _ Knight fro 8 scroll _ Swashbuckler for 10 scroll _ Mage for 6 scroll send me private message WTS [URZARK] lvl 85 SORCERER