Sold [WTS] Gold Ein Lacher Medal Services

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BigGameTrading, 1/3/17.

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  1. BigGameTrading

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    Some recent changes have made Ein Lacher completions more appealing, so I'm reopening this service. This service currently applies to East/West/Australia, and I plan to add support for EU after the services are merged. Payments can be made to Paypal (gift to friends and family), or gold within East/West. Some previous vouches can be found in my old thread:

    Gold clear (for missions on the dailies board): $4 or 25m
    Gold clear (for all other missions): $6 or 40m

    All gold clears (for Golden God and related achievements):
    Normal speed, $150. ETA ~2 weeks to complete
    Expedited, $200. ETA ~2-3 days, guaranteed within 5 days
    Packages regarding multiple characters or particular requests can be negotiated via Skype.

    Basic Requirements
    Sufficient AP investment on the character
    Have the battle already unlocked for Ein Lacher
    I will not do battle unlocking for Ein Lacher and expect you to clear the corresponding missions on your own time. This is particularly true of Season 2 and 3 missions.

    Add me on Skype: solomidirelia
    Discuss character details with medal(s) desired.
    Screenshot your current Ein Lacher achievement board/status for the day.
    Final agreement of pricing/battles.
    Send payment and account information.
    Allow time for me to log in and complete the run(s).
    Screenshot of completed run(s) or status will be taken.
    Honor seals earned will be taken for personal/future use.
    I'll notify you once the full job has been completed (or if complications arose) and log out.

    Again, any questions can be redirected to my Skype.

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    #1 BigGameTrading, 1/3/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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