Sold WTS global account (every mono team full)

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/tsubasauy, 6/15/18.

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  1. /u/tsubasauy

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    I´m selling my main account (yellow card) level 137, linked with klab account

    every mono team full gacha (max power, red 687k, blue 685k, green 713k) no problem beating limit break/extreme events

    - 1000 inventory space

    - 44 paid db

    - 106 millon gold

    - 100k club medals

    - 600 gold 1000 silver regular medals

    - 250k league medals (cha bought)

    ex gold formations:

    - 4-1-3-2 (JY att + 10%)

    - 4-1-2-3 (non jap phy + 10%)

    - 3-2-3-2 (jap phy + 10%)

    - 3-3-1-3 (WY att + 10%)

    - 4-1-3-2 (red players shoot + 10%)

    Most abilities farmed, a lot of event players saved (samurai, kluivoort (to be leveled to 80), schenider (to be leveled to 80), tachibana and more)

    PM for snapshots

    Listening to serious offers, paypal only

    # #/tsubasauy
    # .
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