Selling WTS Global account 31x6* (9400 Crystals) V.I.P runes..Price Listed

Discussion in 'Summoners War Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by semians, 2/22/17.

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  1. semians

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    Account Info:
    Server: Global

    9400 CRYSTALS

    31 x 6* (Pictures uploaded for more info)
    *6 stars*
    Ryan - Konamiya - Chilling - Theomars - Galleon - Xiao Lin (water KFG) - Tarq - Water MK - Baretta - Tesarion - Spectra - Colleen - Xiong Fei (Fire Panda) - Okeanos - Hwa - Fire Homunculus - Acasis - Akhamamir - Dolphoi - Briand - Bernard - Mav - Lushen - Belladeon - Lucas - Darion - Ahman - Eshir - Jultan - Veromos - Thrain.

    MAXED RUNES 2/4/6.
    *MAXED SKILLS* except for Okeanos.
    (The account has enough ready materials for another 6*)

    Rare 4 Star:
    Water Pirate Captain (Galleon) - Wind Death Knight (Briand) -Dark Death Knight - Light Neostone Fighter (Lucas) - Dark Sylphid - Water neonstone Agent (Emma) More.

    Arena: C2
    Rift Dungeons top Scores A- to A
    Rift Raid: Level 5
    Toa normal 100, Toah 60
    Cairo's dungeon:
    Dragons: B10 Auto
    Necropolis: B10 Auto
    Giant: B10 Auto
    World Boss: A turn + C turn

    Storage: 260 Full of huge amounts of power-up materials & angelmons.
    Devilmons: 17
    Angelmons: Just TONS of it.

    *The resources of the account is growing everyday*

    Price: 650$ USD w/o MM fees

    Kik: Semians

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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