Selling WTS Global 7k Account Rudy, Kris, Spike, Ace...

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 4/25/16.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    WTS Global 7k Account Rudy, Kris, Spike, Ace Selling 7K account (connect thru netmarble) Level 29 500+ keys 400 rubies + 400 more over the next few days 179 Topaz +100 more in a week or so Masteries at 40 Formations: Defensive lvl 39, Basic Lvl 20, Offensive lvl 18 7k Heroes And 4Lords 6* Rudy 30 6* Kris 30 6* Spike 30 4* Rudy 30 6* Ace 4* Lu Bu Other 6* Velika lvl 40 Shane lvl 32 Aragon lvl 30 Lucy lvl 30 Karon lvl 30 Hellenia lvl 1 5* Heroes Ruri x3, Espada, Nia, Ming Ming , Jane 4* Heroes Bai Long, Soi, Feng Yan, Sieg, Chancellor, Victoria, Ellin pm me with offers or if you need screenshots or anything~
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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