Sold [WTS]Gemini & Polaris ccu(Special Discord!Buy more Save more!) & Time Limit WBCCUS &...

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ZestycloseRecord961, 12/2/24.

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  1. /u/ZestycloseRecord961

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    HH to Polaris $79(Buy two $75 each Buy 3 $70 each More than 5 $65each) Pioneer without land claim $900

    Arrastra to BMM $30

    Vanguard Sentinel to Constellation Aquila$ 20

    Reclaimer to Prowler $15

    600IE to M2 $15

    Vulture to Heartseeker $30

    Constellation Phoenix $365

    Mole-Gemini $12

    Ballista-Prospector $8

    Carrack-Perseus $30

    Scorpius Antares-Ares Inferno $8

    C8X 2949IAE LTI $50 Sold

    Cutter Rambler LTI $55

    # #/ZestycloseRecord961
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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