WTS Game of War account Kingdom Unelanuhi #78 SH 18, 12 mil power. VIP 10 Hero level 47 (70% exp) Troops : 175k T3 Hero got some quality items equiped (all purple, 1 golden) Buildings - Urban : 2x Barracks (lvl 17 and 16) 8x Villas ( 2x lvl 18, 6x lvl 17) 7x Hospitals (5x lvl 15, 2x lvl 14) Gymnos lvl 17 Academy lvl 18 Forge lvl 17 Marketplace lvl 18 Storehouse lvl 18 Watchtover lvl 17 Prison lvl 7 Hall of War lvl 6 -- RURAL -- 6x Logging Camp lvl 18 5x Quarry lvl 18 6x Mine lvl 18 8x Farm lvl 18. I sell the account soemwhat cheap, so pm me here on Facebook. for offers. thanks