Selling wts forsaken world gold and/or priest lv 90 account on server illyfue

Discussion in 'Forsaken World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    server illyfue

    class priest human female


    total score 108003

    hp 65573

    atk 6131

    acc 425

    crit hit 17%

    crit dmg 272%

    mana 47904

    def 2107

    evasion 235

    crit dodge 11%

    crid def 115,05 %

    nyos lv 90

    resistance between lv 46 60

    pet blue lv 79 magic guard

    pet blue lv60, 65, 69

    hea incresed by gear 2100

    lots of fasion items

    items build for healing

    items build for hl

    soul leaf 350

    soul coins 19

    and at choice between 0 and 2556 eyrda leaf

    and at choice between 0 and 100 diamonds

    you can contact me at [email protected] /* */

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