Sold [WTS] Europe: Main Arisha Lv 90 22.5k m.att, Kai Lv 90, Fiona Lv 77 + 2 low levels

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CatalinuBR, 5/7/17.

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  1. CatalinuBR

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    Arisha Info:

    Equipment full orange
    Spellsword +11 ressurected this means bound on character for life with 0 unbound
    One ring ressurected and has 0 unbound

    You can view my inventory , armour and items here (copy , paste and acces this link to see album photos)

    Kai Info:

    Equipment full purple with +10 crossgun with 3unbinds and 23kAP
    You can view some info about my kai here (copy , paste and acces this link to see album photos)

    Unknown at this moment, waiting for offers but i want to sell it fast so i wont say no to offers

    Reason why I am selling:
    I am not playing anymore this game, well since winter 2016 i started to play League of Legends and i forgot about this game, now i logged on Vindictus for some screenshots

    My Skype: catalinubr (not so much online)
    My Facebook:
    Whats App: +40 751576497
    Accept : PayPal / Steam items (example: cs:go guns, etc which can be sold)
    Steam Profile :

    Mostly you can find me on what's app or facebook , i usually don't accept friend request's but i will check messages
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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