Warrior - LVL 139 Skill rank - 2 Trans Full Honour Rank - 9 Items - Osmium deathblow , mithril+6 , eog+7,board , premium costume , redosm gs perf craft (~3kkk) some other items with value around 300kk and some cash alz (~50-60kk) This account was premium from day one , never been banned or used with illegal activity. I accept only paypal payments. Please leave offers with private messages and i will respond very fast. Thank you. I have a binded Guild Wars acc But which Items/ how much gold u think for it??? Free bump! Can u read u PN and upload pics?? Please Free bump + I can add that this guy is trustable. hmm why?? Have u trade with him sth??? and he should contact with me... Yes I have traded with him. Fast & Secure. I am sorry i can't talk more with u guys that have pm`ed me , i'm on vacantion atm and can't get online more than 10 20 mins . I haven't sold the acc. Pls be pacient untill i get back. Thanks for understanding. ah kk :P I can wait :P Have Fun! Bump for me!!! PS: rw3 and shadowtit amp is gone and got some jewerly around 300kk + board and some alz (~50kk) , the rest is like in my first post. Tnx pls send me messages again because i accidentaly deleted some , sry Free bump!