WTS: EU: Awesome account with DK tank ilvl357+2 supporter alts

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    Hi there, I want to sell my 4 years old WoW account which well cared good to go whatever you want to do.DK tank is main char which ready to do any raid right now as a tank and got enough gear to go as dps (4-5 dps epics).He got more than 200k hp buffed.One word great tank!Paladin is lvl85 healer HC geared ready to start raid or pvp.And there is a lvl83 priest i was leveling it but usually im using it for professions.(ench-alch)
    Dk has Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher with %310 fly speed.Paladin has %310 fly speed drake and priest has %280 fly speed mount.
    Account is gold maker.Dk got JC and Inscription as professions paladin got herb and mine and priest got ench and alch.DK and paladin also got archaeology and both have some rare items and mounts from it.
    All chars gemmed and enchanted as good as possible.
    DK : 2 Bosses away from Defender of a Shattered World title but it has good titles.
    Priest :

    This is my 4 years old account.It has no problem and i have all info needed.
    I want 300e for it and it's pretty good price for a decent account like this.We can use middle man.Account got 4-5 days game time left so hurry up
    Feel free to ask any questions.
    msn : shiroh1@hotmail or pm me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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