Sold WTS EU Andromeda Elementalist 46 | 515 ilvl T5 Luminus | Vulpin 120

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Razdwatrzy, 11/18/21.

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  1. Razdwatrzy

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    Elementalist 46lvl 73% / 515 GS / female elf

    Server: Andromeda (EU)
    Faction: Vulpin

    Mana Awakening Level: 39
    Game account + email
    Payment: Paypal Friends and Family
    PM me here or Razdwatrzy#0079 on Discord.

    All Pre-Order Packages
    Luminus - T5 Yellow Altar
    228 Skill Points
    39lvl Mana / 3x mana presets

    Runes: 24 Assault / 34 Fate / 49 Awakening
    1,7kk gold
    2 pets T2/T3
    160 inventory...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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