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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    I am selling some of my level 85 characters since I don't have the time and motivation to play WoW anymore. I will be linking the masked armory profile page for each character so you can see titles/mounts/gear/professions/rep, etc.

    Level 85 Night Elf ROGUE (main)
    Has lots of rare mounts (like rocket), rare titles and some funny stuff on bank.

    Level 85 Night Elf DRUID

    Level 85 Draenei MAGE

    Level 85 Human PALADIN
    Has Zin'Rokh, Destroyer of Worlds weapon

    Level 85 Troll SHAMAN

    Please send me a PM when interested in a character with your offer and we'll figure it out.

    Also willing to sell the whole account for a nice price (got about 80k gold account-wide).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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