Selling WTS: EQ1 Selling 2 Accounts 90 Bard and 90 Rogue...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/13/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS: EQ1 Selling 2 Accounts 90 Bard and 90 Rogue 1st Account 90 Bard This was my main so he had the best gear and most time put into him. He has 8 years of veteran awards on the account. 5471 aa without glyphed aa's All epics done with a bunch of good clicky items and illusions. 300 in tailoring/brewing/pottery/blacksmithing and trophy's for all them (the potter is 7/7) the rest almost 300 too All progression up to date If questions feel free to ask. 2st Account 90 Rogue This was my favorite guy to play he has a couple clicky illusions and is master poisoncrafter with a 7/7 trophy. The account has 7 years of veteran awards. 3260 aa with no glyphed aa All progression up to date First things I am a serious seller and will not bother with scams. I want to sell because I no longer play and could use a little extra cash. I am the owner on both accounts because I used to box all the time. NEED CASH SO SELLING CHEAP!! WTS: EQ1 WTB 50 Shaman, Enchanter, Wizard, or Warrior FIPPY DARKPAW 200$ max. me. WTS: EQ1 project 1999 41 shaman planer gear please PM me for more details looking for $150 great account to start with if you want to get the lower levels out the way with some decent gear will also trade for an EQ1 account SK / NEC or shaman must have play time PM me WTS: EQ1 90 Shaman 3K+AA 46.5K Mana unbuffed 51K Mana fully buffed. 3300AA all put into him well. Has 2.0+ a lot of clickies. Raid Geared in Time/UF+ T4 non-visables. 300.00$ O.B.O. Any other questions PM me or reply on post. WTS: EQ2 8 level 90's for sale! 8 Level 90's to be sold here!Age Of Discovery and all Expansions are Active!!!!! The Best character being sold here is definitely the Mystic. Mystic is geared to the max! 90/300 AA's. EM Drunder Helm, HM Shoulders, Em BP, HM Forearms, HM Gloves, EM Legs, EM Drunder Boots, 2h HM Drunder 2 hander, HM 1 hander, HM Ranged Weapon, HM Secondary, HM Charm, EM Drunder Charm, EM Set Earings, 20% Increase Ward amount Drunder Neck, Drunder Ring set, Drunder...
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