Selling WTS: EQ1 90 Zerker Top 10 Serverwide This is a 90...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/21/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS: EQ1 90 Zerker Top 10 Serverwide This is a 90 Berserker top 10 serverwide. Gear is eq.magelo/profile/1907862 PM an offer account has 12 Vet Rewards and is payed for until the end of jan 2012. Middleman service is a must. WTS: 80paladin eq2 this is a lvl 80 paladin on the eq2 f2p server has about 130ish AA's is an amazing tank and has lvl 72mc gear and has the rares for lvl 82 mc gear also has good AOE have spent a lot of time on char has 3 mounts 1 warg 50percent speed 1 flying carpet 45percent speed 1 flying cloud 40 percent speed has about 15plat on him silver membership account ranger,druid,paladin, and necro classes are unlocked along with the free ones farsai,froglock,kerra classes unlocked and the free ones pm with offer no low balling plz WTS: EQ1: 90 Zerker & 90 Wizard, t4 HoT This is for the purchase of a berserker and wizard account in full HoT gear. This is on the Firiona Vie Server and includes 7 year vet rewards. Also has 200k platinum and fully aug'd/geared(40k+), both flagged for t4 HoT. Berserker has 2500+ AA Wizard has 1200+ AA Taking reasonable offers(no trades) Thanks WTS: Lvl 77 Male half Elf Paladin 1236AA This toon has expansions upto Sof with a good amount of AA 12k Hp 2310 Ac.This account would be easy to gear up with the latest expansion.Pm with offers please. This accounts on the ant bayle server and is transferable. WTS: WTT retail RIFT keys for account on Vulak Title says it all. Obtained several RIFT keys at a convention recently, and would like to trade them for an account on Vulak'Aerr. PM if you are interested. WTS: EQ1 HIGH END WARRIOR Nearly 5000AA's Top end Fully ready for HoT Raids and New expack group content, this toon is 55k hp and 6k ac unbuffed with around 4847 aa's/ ALL class and archetype is MAXX'd SUPER low price compared to what any online superstore will make you pay, this toon has TONS of alts and is REALLy old account( 9 years 200+days) going on 10th veteran reward. One of the best warriors...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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