Selling WTS: EQ1: 90 Wizard & 90 Zerker, 7yr vet, HoT $200...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/21/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS: EQ1: 90 Wizard & 90 Zerker, 7yr vet, HoT $200 EQ1: 90 Wizard & 90 Zerker, 7yr vet, House of Thule $200 Includes: *90 Wizard *90 Berserker *HoT beta Gingerbread Man Illusion *UF Beta Bebliko's Mercenary *Page full of claims/titles *Many LoN Illusions/Mounts/potions *2800 AA on zerker, 677 AA on Wizard *Epic 2.0 *7 year Vet rewards *All Expansions *Full HoT geared(both toons) with raid cleave/fero focus *Bank full of rare items, HoT/Sod/UF gear etc. *Maxed out merc with many special mercs enabled *Max Resists/DoN stats/UF flags/HoT Group etc. *A plethora of extra goodies laying around *Only owner, all original account information+secret question+credit card info included! -Costs $200 Please PM me with any questions or interest, thanks. WTT: (Freeport Server) 90 Berserker - Well Geared - for EQ1 Account (Bertox/Saryrn Server) EQ2 - Have a 90 berserker, active account, with inbetween 150-175 aa's, fully geared for his level. On the free-to-play server. Would like to trade for an account on the bertoxollus/saryrn server on EQ1. Let me know what you have. Either me at CIANCIOLOKEITHYAHOO.COM or contact me in EQ1 under the name AIRDUSTER. Or post/PM here. WTS: EQ2 90 dirge/256AA 90 Wiz/220AA Flying mounts... EQ2 Account for sale here like said above 90dirge and 90 wiz Each toon has 2 station cash flying mounts those being the Pegasus the flaming bird sorry forget off hand what the names are and they also have the squirrel looking mounts. They both have station cash outfits The account is up to date on expansions The characters are transferable Dirge is geared enough to raid easy mode and some hard mode wiz is geared to raid easy mode as well. asking price $300 If yeah have any questions please happy to answer I would link there pages but the EQ2 page seems to be having troubles coming up on my computer but i should still be able to answer any other questions if needed Need the money soon so the faster the better. HAPPY HOLIDAYS WTS: EQAccountz BUYING...
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