Selling WTS EPIC OLD ACCOUNT,60kk credits,16 65-lvl

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fredrikson, 4/25/16.

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  1. Fredrikson

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    Server ToFN..Account with the release of the game.
    1) 19 characters (16 of which are level 65):
    Republic (all 65 levels), two Guardians, two Sentinels, two Sages, Shadow, Сommando, Vanguard, Skoundrel, Gunslinger.
    Empire: Juggernaut, Merc, Sorcerer, Assassin, Oper,Powertech 64 level, level 63 Marauder, 55 sniper level.
    2) All the Republicans wearing augmented 208 Legacy PvP armor (so no need to dress separately Imperials).
    Regarding PVE: Sage wears a 224 DPS armor, half-Sentinel 224/220, Commando DPS 220, Guardian tank in 220/216,
    220 tokens available is enough to put one more character. Sage knows how to craft 220 token-implants.
    3) There expired achievments for passing HM ops: DF, DP, SAV, TFB, EC, EV, KP. In total just over 20k achievments.
    4) Buying and furnished with all the Stronghold. A number of different decorations.
    5) A pile mounts, clothing, weapons, toys and a collection of crystals in the Cartel Market (lots of them share the account at all).
    Are Altered Realities Event Legacy guns and things (Gree, Rakgoul, Bounty). Legacy Weapon and crystals for 6 pvp season (silver).
    6) On account also 60 million credits.
    The reason for selling: leaving to Real Life (Education, work).
    Price 300$. Write on Skype Fredrikson1976

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    #1 Fredrikson, 4/25/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/28/16
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