Sold [WTS] EnZoFTW Netflix Shop! [1$]

Discussion in 'Netflix Accounts for Sale - Buy or Sell' started by EnZoFTW, 1/18/17.

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  1. EnZoFTW

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    Hello playerup and welcome to my Netflix shop!:)

    I am selling Netflix accounts at the cheap cost of 1$ (# on bulk buy)

    Always friendly and fast service! I am online throughout most of the day
    I speak fluid English and always happy to help customers with any problems!

    Price: 1$
    Warranty +2$
    Payment: PayPal (preferred) & BTC

    Terms of Service:
    - You do not change the password or email of the accounts
    - I have the right to refuse service to anyone
    - You agree to these ToS when you make a purchase

    My Skype is lille-lund1 or click the Skype button below!

    Attached Images
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