WTS Elyos General Gladiator in NA Israphel server 700$! For PvP 2 star Abyss set+15 crit/attack, attack/accuracy, attack/crit (All lv 60 composites) with 2014 anniversary skin -very rare skin-, all 4 star accesories +5 except for a ring that is +3, 4 star wings, plume+5. For magic suppression (set) ac hat, 3 ac parts full crit/hp and 40 ms ancient and 2 invasion parts full crit/hp and 40 ms ancient (Using wonderland look skin), for block to run away on that last round in arena on last 30s if you are first place 3 bm parts, 2 ahserion (chest and shoulders), ahserion shield +10 and IS sword +10 full block +29, +33 and hp/block lv 60 composites (4.4k block with defense preparation) [last summer bikini skin], EB polearm +15 and general polearm under it attack/crit and attack/accuracy (Lv 60 composites) with gold perma para and mythic nether dragon skin (From 2014 PvP event), general extendable +15 and general polearm under it attack/accuracy and accuracy with gold perma silence, ORB polearm mid-high tier tune +12 and 2 star polearm under it full attack/hp (Lv 60 composites) and pdef +100 -lol- with illusion gold blind and eternal tiamat polearm skin, EB bow+5 and bm bow under it with lv 60/70 manastones and noble tac skin, IO greatsword +10 mid-high tier tune with 2 star weapon under it, full accuracy. For PvE full pa IS set with lv 70 manastones and some crit/attack lv 60 composites, IS weapon +15 and 2 star weapon under it, attack/crit lv 60 composites and accu under (the whole set and weapon have kunax skins), full IS jewelry and the other accesories are ahserion ft a custodian ring . eb set for dual wield, eb dagger +10 and mid-high tier tuning ORB mace +10, all have lv 70 manastones and attack/accuracy lv 60 composites. Linked stigma (flag), 3k+ cera medals, 1.2k+ blood marks, aion's chosen title, 3b+, 5b+ worth in items to sell (Lots of skins, mats items, composites and ancient stones), 89 glory tickets, red diabol pet, mansion, sm on the account lv 65 ready for any PvE content except DD, almost 7m of ap, 2.2k ancient coins and more stuff! PM here or add me on Whatsapp and text me there +1 809 975 4158 for more info and to make the deal. Much better if you talk to me on Whatsapp since I'm always there and can respond you quicker!