This account has never been warned or banned. Skill points are, at a minimum, as below. Account has no standings and has a positive wallet balance. The account is sitting at a minimum of 5,750,000 SP. This character is set up to be an efficient Ice miner, although it could easily be swapped into a Hulk if that is your desire. It is stable running a shield booster and can fit proper tank to deter suicide gankers and perma-tank rats. In addition to all relevant mining skills, this account has very good Trade skills trained, and could also double as a Market alt when not mining. You will recieve a fully loaded mackinaw with this sale. Skills are as follows: Level 5 Astrogeology Electronics Evasive Maneuvering Exhumers Ice Harvesting Industry Mining Mining Barge Refining Spaceship Command Level 4 Accounting Broker Relations Drones Engineering Mining Foreman Science Trade Veldspar Processing Level 3 Caldari Frigate Energy Grid Upgrades Energy Management Energy Systems Operation Shield Compensation Shield Operation Jury Rigging Laboratory Operation Marketing Mechanics Mining Upgrades Navigation