Selling my whole account simply because I don't want to play anymore. Too dead for my liking but whoever wants this account I hope you enjoy it! LVL90 XGun Kai. Around 22k-23k ATK. +11 OJ Enhanced/Maelstrom Regina XGun. Almost 300 titles and a lot of ap. Easily rerollable and has another OJ Xgun for whatever you want to do with it :P. Also has a lot of GGs,PGGs,Merc pots, enhancement rune, 6 enchant runes, ap reset capsules. LVL90 Staff Evie. Around 21.5k MATK. +10 OJ Gallant/DP Regina Staff 3 Star. Almost 300 titles and a lot of ap. Easily rerollable with skill reset capsules. Also has the High-Class Gangster Outfit. Max level armoursmith. LVL90 Sylas. Around 21.5k MATK. +6 OJ Righteous/DP Regina Dagger 3 Star. Almost 300 titles and decent ap. Lots of VIP and VVIP Pills. LVL90 Arisha. Around 20k MATK. I stripped her to move onto my other characters so she doesn't have much. Almost 300 Titles and has some VIP pills. LVL40 Fiona. Made her and left her after a little bit. Has around 50k ap total. LVL76 Lynn. Almost 300 Titles and 3 VIP pills. MSG if interested. B/O $500 Skype: janson.** Attached Images Kai.jpg[/URL] [Download and Thanks] (398.6 KB) [*] Kai nx page 1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (393.4 KB) [*] Kai nx page 2.jpg [Download and Thanks] (383.1 KB) [*] Evie.jpg [Download and Thanks] (364.0 KB) [*] Sylas.jpg [Download and Thanks] (401.7 KB) [*] Arisha.jpg [Download and Thanks] (366.1 KB) [*] Arisha nx page 1.jpg [Download and Thanks] (360.0 KB) [*] Fiona.jpg [Download and Thanks] (229.7 KB) [*] Lynn.jpg [Download and Thanks] (284.8 KB)