Sold [WTS] [EAST] Selling Whole Account. 4 LVL 90s, 2 Others with good AP!

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marig1, 7/3/17.

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  1. Marig1

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    Selling my whole account simply because I don't want to play anymore. Too dead for my liking but whoever wants this account I hope you enjoy it!

    LVL90 XGun Kai. Around 22k-23k ATK. +11 OJ Enhanced/Maelstrom Regina XGun. Almost 300 titles and a lot of ap. Easily rerollable and has another OJ Xgun for whatever you want to do with it :P. Also has a lot of GGs,PGGs,Merc pots, enhancement rune, 6 enchant runes,
    ap reset capsules.

    LVL90 Staff Evie. Around 21.5k MATK. +10 OJ Gallant/DP Regina Staff 3 Star. Almost 300 titles and a lot of ap. Easily rerollable with skill reset capsules. Also has the High-Class Gangster Outfit. Max level armoursmith.

    LVL90 Sylas. Around 21.5k MATK. +6 OJ Righteous/DP Regina Dagger 3 Star. Almost 300 titles and decent ap. Lots of VIP and VVIP Pills.

    LVL90 Arisha. Around 20k MATK. I stripped her to move onto my other characters so she doesn't have much. Almost 300 Titles and has some VIP pills.

    LVL40 Fiona. Made her and left her after a little bit. Has around 50k ap total.

    LVL76 Lynn. Almost 300 Titles and 3 VIP pills.

    MSG if interested. B/O $500

    Skype: janson.**
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    #1 Marig1, 7/3/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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