Sold [WTS] [EAST] Selling Vindictus Gold

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Apparit1on, 6/24/17.

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  1. Apparit1on

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    Hey guys,

    I am looking to sell slightly less than 1.035 billion gold on the east server at a rate of $50/100m to trustworthy buyers. I am quitting Vindi and am trying to liquidate a few items still, so I may eventually have up to 1.3b to sell (again currently only 1.035).

    I know that I don’t have any vouches as a seller (despite having a few as a buyer) and can certainly understand why this could cause some to be reluctant to make a purchase. As such, I am more than willing to break any transaction down into multiple smaller transactions, so that there is never too much risk at one time. For example, if someone wants to purchase 100m, we could do three transactions of 33.3m, four of 25m, five of 20m or even ten of 10m (although that would be a tad tedious and time consuming haha). Whatever works best to make you more comfortable with the sale.

    If interested, please send me a message on Skype and I will try to respond as soon as possible.

    Skype: appar1t1on
    Payment Method: Paypal
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