Sold [WTS] [East] S>23k Attack Hurk / +15 Lvl 80 CG Kai / Clean lvl 90 accounts.

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AmbixVindictus, 2/23/17.

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  1. AmbixVindictus

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    Basically I've been playing vindictus for 3+ years, I just started university and I have no time to play and I'm pretty bored with the game. I'm selling a few accounts.

    http :/ /img ur .com / a/ uilld (Remove spaces)

    1st Account: Hurk / Level 90 / 22.9k Attack / Price: 150$ USD
    Gear: +12 Immoral Spirit 3* Regina Greatsword (Perma bound)
    Temporal Master 3* Terminus Sentinel Chest (Full unbinds, couldn't fit in screenshot.)
    3* Orange Terminus Sentinel Helm (Fused to fowards spikey baseball hat)
    2* Terminus Sentinel Pants (Orange essence and solid)
    3* Terminus Sentinel Gloves (Orange Solid)
    2* Orange Terminus Sentinel Boots
    175M gold. I have another 40-50m on another account which I will add to this account.
    Basic accessories. 2x Thunder Rings, 3* Pirate earrings, 2* emerald belt, and two Diamond bracelets. All non enchanted sadly.
    Also will have the Rockstar outfit which I'll add to the screenshots once Nexon distributes it.

    htt p: //im gur .com / a/ DG D7S (Remove spaces)

    2nd Account: Kai / Level 90 / 20k Attack / Price: 60$ USD
    This account is basically empty, has a +15 Righteous Bloodlust Heremon Crossgun, and a premium outfitter. Also has a clean level 90 Karok with the Keaghan set.

    3rd Account: Karok / Level 90 / Price: 20$ USD
    Basically another clean character, only thing on this guy is pure black Zecallion set.

    4th Account: Two Level 90 Hurks / Price: 25$ USD
    Same as the Karok account, except has two Hurks both level 90. Will have the Rockstar set aswell once it's given out by Nexon. Will provide screenshots once I get it later today.

    Not going first whether you're trusted or not though I'm willing to use a middleman if you'd like. I've sold a lot of accounts on this site under my other accounts which I can't find the password to. Names were Ambix, VindictusAmbix, and AmbixVindy or something like that. I can find vouches if you'd like.
    Contact me on Skype @ "MynameixAmbix" or hit me up on this skype, thanks!
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