Sold [WTS] Decent Yellow Star $50

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dingflasher11, 10/12/16.

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  1. Dingflasher11

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    Looking to sell my yellow star for $50 in paypal, amazon card, or google play card, offers considered. Account is in the lower ranges of yellow star, 8/8 knight, 6/8 warrior, some decent amounts of uts, 64/64 pet, a nice amount of unlocked skins. Hotmail domain email, security is answered and will be provided along with full email access, which can be changed if you would like. Gold purchase receipts can be offered if needed. Additional information below. Also could a mod help attach these as images, thanks.
    I can be contacted at my skype, typhomule2 (at) hotmail,com.
    If a mod could help get that to work without it being recognized as a link that would be great too :)

    http :// prnt,sc / csbwud
    http :// prnt,sc / csbvrd
    http :// prnt,sc / csbx3y
    http :// prnt,sc / csbx71

    Also not going first unless you can prove you are highly vouched, we will use middleman otherwise since im not vouched and no one wants to go first to me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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