the account has: 8k+ gold (and growing 1650 every 4 days) epic: Chlorine Zloy(7), Prey Dutch(4), Snek(1) rare: all operators lvl 5-6 uncommon: all operators lvl 6-7 common: all operators lvl 8 Guns: shotgun VI: 11/15 SMG VI: 11/15 Sniper VI: 1/15 Description: Since WoW classic came out, I don't have enough time for tacticool anymore. And I also dumped way too much money into this game. I bought my spot into a clan that does 6 missions every cycle, so that's a good source of income. Just the operators do over ~15k clan stars/4 days. This account is not yet bound to google play. Feel free to contact me at: discord: Marcio1337#2038 whatsapp: +420601172402 email: [email protected]