Sold [WTS] Cost saving CCUs and F7A Mk2

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/TriviPiviP, 12/22/24.

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  1. /u/TriviPiviP

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    o7 citizens,

    I made a pricecheck a while ago for selling my account, since Im facing some private financial problems and people told me to consider selling my CCUs instead.

    I have:

    - 4x C1 to Ballista, 10$ saving, 8$ each

    - 3x Vulture to Heartseeker, 33$ each

    - 2x Cutlass Steel to Mercury, 20$ saving, 10$ each

    - 1x F7A Mk2 LTI, CCUd, 350$

    # #/TriviPiviP
    # .
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