Server: Deepstrike (PvP) Level: 50 Prestiege: Rank 4.5 Class: Warrior Souls: Everything Unlocked, Every skill paid for and trained to max! ( 80-90 Plat value) Currency: 113 Plat Gear: Full Set of PvP Gear (Full Runes), 3 Pieces of Epic PvE Dungeon Gear( Chest, L, Boots w/ runes) One Handed Weapon: Abyssal Hatcher (Epic T2 Drop) Off Hand: Eye Mangler (Epic T2 Drop) 2 Handed: Mighty Flesh Ripper (Epic Craftable) Inventory: CE 24 Slot Bag, 4x 22 Slot Epic Spirit Weave Bags (80 Plat value) Crafting: Apothecary 300 MAX w/ many epic and rare recipes Gathering: Mining 300, Foraging 300 (MAXED with rare recipes) Planar Focus: 2x Flawless Source Machine (One DPS/One Tank Essences) Value of mats in the bank are about 300 plat or so, the account is good to go with 4 months of playtime left. It also had a few alts around lvl 20, not too bad of a head start. Looking for 150.00 USD Oh and Mounts: 60% CE Turtle(10.00 USD), 90% Lvl 40 Horse (35 Plat) & 110% Epic Lvl 50 Robo Horse (135 Plat value)