Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AlepSeller, 10/11/16.

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  1. AlepSeller

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    Contact Skype : InventoryAlep
    Price can be discussed on Skype ( I want atleast 60 Euros ) I accept PAYPAL and never go first.

    Rank : Major 4th. class
    S/D : 2.172
    Wins/losses : 182 W 88 L
    Euro(s) : 70,996
    Red ticket(s) : 0
    Blue ticket(s) : 1
    EMP : 1

    Sniper : M1903A1 , DSR-1 Dark Angel , Arisaka , M24S. Medal of Valor , DSR-1 Black Snake , FR-F2 Legend , Mosin-Nagant Dragon Roar , Firebird ,
    FR-F2 Samurai , PGM.338 Albino , PGM.338 Snowflake , FR-F2 Gold Horse , SV98 Golden Soil , DSR-1 Captain Kidd , FR-F2 Opal , SRS Edward Low ,
    ASW.338 Phoenix , ASW338 Pegasus , SVDM Fullmoon , OTS-03 Alien Insect , DTA SRS Cosmic , L96A1 Witch , Blaser R93 Hanami , FN Prototype ,
    PGM.338 Freedom , Kar98k Sweety , SV98 Blue Horse , SV98 OMON , Mosin-Nagant Engraving , VSS Death , VSS Red Dragon , PGM.338 Red Onyx ,
    TPG-1 Bighorn , M110 Henry Morgan , DSR-1 America , DSR-1 A.V.A. 8th , AWM Code Red , Ballista Cosmic , FR-F2 Neon , M24 Capricorn ,
    M24 Coral , M24A2 A.V.A. 7th Anniversary , Mosin-Nagant Red Monkey , Mosin-Nagant Pioneer , DSR-1 Amethyst , M40A5 Pothos , FR-F2 Skilled.

    Rifleman : AK-47 Lion , Mk.20 Proto SSR , AK-12 CXT , Rx4 Medal of Valor , AK-47 Code Red , XCR Cyber Diomedes , FAL Hot road , Rx4 Aphrodite ,
    M14 Golden Lord , FAMAS MK.3 Freyja , M16A4 Absolute Machine , SAKO RK.95 Blackbeard , T91 , Type 64 7.62mm , AK-47 Red Monkey ,
    SA58 Para Tortoise , F2000 Aqua Horizon , Kel-tec RFB Cosmic , AK200 OMON , AK47 MK.3 Neon , SA58 Para , AK-107 Sweety , G36 Blue Horse ,
    G36KA1 Gustave , M4A1 Carbon , OTs-14 Groza , STG44 Jumpmaster , AK-47 Charles Vane , AK-47 Gold dragon , M4A1 Witch , M14 Fullmoon ,
    M16 VN Red Dragon , Type89 Valentine , AN94 Death , M14EBR Red Onyx , K-2 Bighorn , G36 Hanami , G36 Caiman , AK-47 Olivier La Buse ,
    AMD65 Ruin , F2000 Taurus , M4A1 Opal , Remington R4 A.V.A. 8th , M14 Cosmic , FG42 Coral , AK-47 Black Snake , OTs-14 Blue Dragon ,
    AMD-65 Phoenix , AK47 Alien , K2 Virgo , M4A1 A.V.A. 7th Anniversary , M4A1 Pioneer , M4A1 Cyber Achilles , M16 VN Snowflake , OTs-14 Silverion ,
    OTs-14 Skilled , T65K2 Double Ten , Golden FN-F2000 , G36 Blue Horse , AN94 Death , M4A1 Freedom , ARX160 Samurai , XM8 Mackerel , AK-12

    Pointman : X95R. Medal of Valor , Dual TMP Icy Fort , SPAS-15 Calico Jack , MP7A1 Night Flier , SR-2M Rune Master , K1A1 Rail ,
    SR-2M Neon , P90 Freedom , 10ga. Blue Horse , MP38/40 Red Dragon , SR-3M Sweety , Corvus lll Blaster , P90 Apocalypse , SR-2M Red Onyx ,
    Uzi Henry Every , MAGPUL PDR Witch , Veresk OMON , SG556 SnowCamo , Milad Dual , AKS-74U Fullmoon , Remington870 Bighorn , MP5K Hanami ,
    AKS-74U Espada , PP2000 Samurai , Galil MAR Chromenon , MAGPUL PDR Cosmic , Kriss H.V. Code Red , Scorpion Cosmic , AKS-74U A.V.A. 8th ,
    M870 Blue Dragoon , Remington 870 Neon , SR-2M Phoenix , MP7A1 Roswell , KAC PDW Coral , Thompson M1921 A.V.A. 7th Anniversary ,
    KBP PP2000 Red Monkey , SPAS Pioneer , M1A1 Thompson Case Hardened , K1A1 Skilled , Spectre Double Ten , SPAS-12 Snowflake ,
    Golden Remington 870, Kriss Death , AKS-74U Eros , Galil MAR Raptor , M1921 Anne Bonny

    Pistols : M92FS Red Line , HK45 Golden Era , Desert-Urushi , M29 Caiman , FN57 Cyber Helen , SW1911 Bhairavi , MTE-224 Bloody Rock , Nighthawk ,
    Model S&W500 Betrayal , Colt SAA Ace of Spades , HK45 Bartu Ddu , Glock21c Neon , Colt SAA Marshal , Sw1911 Argento , Vampire B. , Walther P38 ,
    S&W500 Witch , SW1911 Red Onyx , Desert Eagle A.V.A. 8th , P38 Black Snake , Colt SAA Skilled , Raging Angelo , Lugar P-08 Dragoon , Flying V ,
    Tokarev TT-33 Red Monkey , Glock21c Lucky , MK.23 US.SOCOM A.V.A 7th Anniversary

    Knives : Tri Crystal Edge , Tai-chi Sword , Trench Shovel Trophy , Liquid Blade , The hand #. Medal of Valor , Pirate knife , Rapier , Wrench Pioneer ,
    Harpoon Rapista , Ninja Edge Samurai , Holy Mackerel , Black-Urushi , Toronado , G.Bat Cyber Paris , Dotanuki , Atayal Double Ten , Harpoon Dragoon

    Nades : M67 Sumire , M24 Potato masher , Freedom Grenade A , Pumpkin Grenade ( 1 year ) , Black Bear Grenade , LMS Flare lll , Smoke Storm Rider , M67 Reactor , M67 Black Snake , Beer Stein , M67 Caiman , Eye of Vampire , Lamb Grenade , M67 Dragoon Grenade , M53A2 Caiman ,
    M116A1 Cyber Nestor

    Characters/armour : Cyber Priest , Leopard Vasily , X-mas Shenah , Marek, VVIP , Quarterback , Anastasia Bonny , Summer Ginny , Lily Lady of War ,
    Lei , Ahmed
    Masks : VIP Mask , Luchador Blue , VIP Skull , Frogman Mask , Jason Death , Freedom Mask
    Extra booster(s) : Field Officer EXP +200% , Double up +100%

    Picture of inventory :
    Picture of rank/S.D proof :
    #1 AlepSeller, 10/11/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/10/19
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  2. AVA Buyer

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    Is this account still for sale? I am really interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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