WTS Champions Online account + 6 month subscription + lvl 24 and 18 alts

Discussion in 'Champions Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/14.

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  1. Games

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    I am selling my Champions Online account that has the Gamestop preorder perks for it (early flight, action figures, ect.) also there is a 6 month subscription on the account. I leveled one of my characters to 24 and decided it was not my cup of tea. Right now that character is a duel swordsman but with enough in game cash you can respec him to whatever you like.

    Im selling this account for $60. This means you are basically paying what I payed for the subscription but you are getting the game absolutely free with 6 months to play on it. The end time of play is 04-04-10. I will do the transaction over Pay-pal/WU, please PM if interested.

    Bumped down to $50. PM if interested.

    sent a PM get at me

    sent a PM also =)
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