Sold [WTS] Captain 3rd, many permanents, all of the strongest guns, EXTREMELY CHEAP

Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Subversus, 8/5/17.

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  1. Subversus

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    I'm looking to sell my account, it has many top tier weapons like proto, m19, ak lion, but also some niche weapons like PGM Snowflake and FrF2 Noel. It also has a love you ton of permanent melees, including the rooster.

    My price: #, my starting price is 15 dollars, paypal or paysafecard code. You can also buy an item for me from g2a if those two aren't available, or steam cash.

    Screenshots: h(.)ttp://

    Feel free to add me on skype: milano_sava . Please specify who you are, I will not add you otherwise. Trade will occur with a middleman or you go first :)
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