So after playing for 7 years long time, i am retiring from my game as rank 1 undisputed to all. So i decided to sell my account rather than letting it be waste farmed out by haters/hostiles. Here are details as follows Screenshot by Lightshot (page 1) Screenshot by Lightshot (page 2) Screenshot by Lightshot (page 3) Screenshot by Lightshot (page4) Screenshot by Lightshot (page5) Screenshot by Lightshot (page6) Screenshot by Lightshot (page7) Screenshot by Lightshot (page8) Those are gears above^^ has got more in heroes, so legends almost 5-6 sets. troopsScreenshot by Lightshot ( city 1) Screenshot by Lightshot ( city2) Screenshot by Lightshot (city3) Screenshot by Lightshot (city4) Screenshot by Lightshot ( city5) Screenshot by Lightshot ( city6) Screenshot by Lightshot (city7) Screenshot by Lightshot (city 8) Screenshot by Lightshot (city 9) Screenshot by Lightshot (city10) (very less troops compared to my top9) 1260696361 hast (1.2 BILLION)472198023 sagi (472million)36542003 equite (36million)6499104 principe (6.4million)151272749 scouts (131 million)143120 balistae (143k)2039870 onager (2million)troop count mentioned above are exact and accurate And those screens are like before i changed name and my barracks has been on que, so probably i have more troops now, as i have not used my troops recently. enough troops to wipe whole server meh. Screenshot by Lightshot --- 103 ciero medal, 115 dentatus medal, 130 leonidas, 540 caesar marque)rev act. Screenshot by Lightshot (3.4k rev act)zodiac goat, troop pack - Screenshot by Lightshot (740 zodiac goat)gray aglet - 1.4k - Screenshot by Lightshot black wsc pass 7.4k and other troop packs - Screenshot by Lightshot heroes 130 pot 8 lv255 fully accessory unlocked lv255 heroes = 142 .cities all maxed26 stables, 119 barracks, 2workshop. Need more screens then pm me or messege on thread. Price: $600. so do offer pm and thread messege EviL.GizmA SK1
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