Well, like the tittle say, i wanna sell a WA account with more than 98 rebirths or i can trade it for Cabal EU Alz or good items. SET. Shadow tita helmet. 14%Rate 24% dmg. +7 Shadow Tita Suit/Boots/Gloves - 30% Ssa. +7 Shadow Tita Epaulet of Amp +5 18G in page. Account Binding Custome. 30+ SOD. 5Kkk - in pocket. Well Give me Offer or buy it. Contact. Messenger: Skype: yuske192 If Wanna know more about the account just add me to Messenger. I Preffer to Exchange all for Cabal EU alz on Mercury Server. PM ME with Offer xD Price fixed i think that was too high Bump BUMP BUMP >>>>>>>> BumP BUMPPPPPPP Bump BUUMPPPPPPPPP BUMP BUUMPPP PRice Change