Level: 142 Rank: Trans (Max) /Trans Honour: Class 7 (10%) Character: Female, premium face and hair. All skills bought. Equip: Tita Blade of Deathblow Extended +9 25% dmg 5% rate Osmium Blade of Deathblow +7 20% dmg +16 attack Osmium Armoursuit of Amp +7 50HP 7% Sword skill amp Mystic Gloves of Amp +6 4% amp Osmium Armourboots +6 +190 HP Shadowtit Helm of Deathblow +7 36% crit dmg EoF+6 Ring of Luck x2 Amulet of Pain +5 Bracelet +10 attack 5% amp +3 x2 Force Regen Earring +3 +30 HP x2 Lots of other good items, 50kk spare alz, no bot use, 100% legit Looking for offers with Paypal. bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpppp bump