WTS Cabal eu acc for alz

Discussion in 'Cabal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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    WTS Cabal EU Acc for Alz

    Server: Mercury

    Chars: Blader lvl 12X and Force Archer lvl 9X

    Blader is clean

    no suit stuff etc

    just skills

    Sword Transcender / Magic Amaster

    he got all good, buffs lvl 20

    basic craft lvl 4 99%

    premium face, premium hair and color

    20k honour

    and 110 rankup


    ForceArcher has Osmium Battle +4 double slot

    Helm 20% crit dmg

    Suit 100 hp

    boots 100hp

    gloves 4 magic

    lapis crystals +4 10% crit dmg

    aog+6, 2x rol +2 and dunno

    Garlie Pet, Premium Face, season hair

    40k honour

    Sword Gmaster / Magic Transcender

    he got all good skills, Art of Sniping roxx

    many old quests from 80
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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