WTS Blizzard account. WoW:WoD, Diablo3 and HotS Selling my blizzard account, due to quitting wow. WILLING TO TRADE FOR SEVERAL LOW(VER LOW) MRR BRONZE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ACCOUNTS WoW account: Playtime until somewhere in April/May Lvl 100 Druid ilvl 674 Lvl 100 Wlock ilvl 646 Lvl 100 Warr ilvl 645 Lvl 100 Pala ilvl 620(ish) Lvl 90 Hunter Lvl 90 Priest Lvl 86 Rogue Lvl 80 DK Lvl 52 Monk Lvl 42 Shaman and Mage Pretty good amount of resources in the bank of the 100's, And level 3 garrison on all level 100's etc. Diablo 3: Lvl 70 Wizard Lvl 70 Demon Hunter Lvl 70 Crusader Lvl 66 Witch Doctor Dont remember the level on my monk. The gear on my Wizard is decent I believe, other that that, theres nothing worthy of mentioning I think. HotS is also on the account! Paypal only. PM me your skype