Selling WTS Bleach Account Vip 9 lv 114 (Higher level on server) for 2000$ Cheap

Discussion in 'Bleach Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/21/15.

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  1. Games

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    Price $:
    do not come with offers less than 2000$
    Make Offer
    Character Name: Blaze Akari
    Level 114 (Higher level on the Server)
    Server (Merged from 19-23 actually is 19) US19-23 any of those number works
    Have High level stones
    Have lv 72 Reiatsu (Black Reiatsu)
    Have Isshin Kurosaki Event Partner
    can One Shot Ryokas still Wave 53
    Have Epic Gear
    Can get 60m+ of Silver Per day.
    Actually have

    *120m Silver
    80 gold
    *594 coupons
    *634 gold reishi
    *3610 challenge stones
    *230 aizen coupons

    All this going UP per day (Starting 01/05/2015 and only the ones marked with *)

    For more Information and Screenshots send me an E-mail
    [email protected]

    And do not come with offers less than 2000$ cause is Vip 9 and is a High level Account and it actually worth's more so.
    Last edited by N7Pankake; 01-08-2015 at 03:29 PM.

    Forgot to add any payment must be by Paypal and US$$$$ or to my bank account directly :3​
    Last edited by N7Pankake; 01-06-2015 at 12:38 PM
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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