Sold [WTS] Best Gold Farming Technique in Current Update - 120-200m a day.

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xaeton, 1/15/17.

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  1. Xaeton

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    Contact info:
    Skype: ibrahim.karajic3

    Hello All !

    I have been hesitant in selling my gold farming technique as I mentioned in my first thread. I am a gold seller and have high availability in gold everyday. Unfortunately, I am starting my next college semester VERY soon and will not be farming all that much. With this new Vindictus update coming up, I figured I would sell my method to a few people and have them get a good stash of gold before the level 95 gear comes out.

    If you are too lazy to do the farming, then you can just contact my Skype that I listed above and order the leftover gold I have. I currently have a seller that is planning to buy a large stash of my current gold, so I cannot guarantee that I can sell you any at the moment.

    This money making method is one of the most unknown in the game. Only a few of my guild members and I know the method, and maybe a few more people. Here are the requirements:

    - At least one level 90 character.
    - A lot of time on your hands
    - Dedication (SERIOUSLY, you cannot just do it for 10 minutes and quit..)
    - Optional: More than 1 level 90 account for extra drops

    I can guarantee that you will be earning AT LEAST 120m a day, if you aren't too lucky with drops. I also recommend you get a cadet badge for the extra evil cores, along with some blessing stones.

    If you are interested, please contact my Skype up above ^^^ and we will discuss this further in detail privately. As for the price, we can negotiate on that. I will be looking for somewhere around $100-$200. It may seem like a lot for a money making method but I can GUARANTEE that it will work. Just to show that I am not bullshitting here, I will link a picture below of my current 1.3B gold, along with my gear. Thank you for your time and I hope to be talking to you soon!
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